The LetterMaker Zine

The LetterMaker zine is a miniature monograph for the product for which it's named.

The zine illustrates the conceptual heritage of the LetterMaker Stencil — a typographic stencil that enables user to create custom,analog, modular typography — and features two essays on the value of experimentation, chaos, and form. 


The first essay comes from the pen of Seán Collins. His work, entitled Late Night Thoughts on LetterMaker compares the forms of the stencil to the familiar forms of cornfields or the "curve of someone's back". Collins celebrates the visual possibilities of LetterMaker and urges the reader to "use it to make something".


The second essay is a well-organized essay on chaos by James Louis Walker of Husbandmen. Choose Your Chaos encourages designers to experiment for the sake of experimentation — regardless of the process or outcome. A teacher himself, Walker injects chaos into both his personal design practice and into the classroom.
